Material similar to Scott Pilgrim outlines?

I’m 3D modeling the characters from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and am using the inverse hull method for outlines. I want to make a material that is jagged\bumpy so it looks more like the outlines of the show. I don’t mean the chromatic aberration I mean how the lines sometimes stop and sometimes get wider. How can I make a Material like that?

Here’s screenshots for reference

You can really notice it on these lines of her skirt


Use grease pencil for your outlines, instead of the inverse shader. By default it’s somewhat jagged (unfortunately), but I guess in your case it will work just great.

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You mean manually draw the grease pencil around the model? I want to have the outlines for the character animations and have it work with a live preview, it’s why I use the inverse method and want to do it via materials

No, apply it via the modifier. There are tutorials for this sort of thing on YouTube.

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Ok I will look for a tutorial. I still would like a way to do make a similar material since id like to use this material for other objects and projects

toon_shader.blend (1.1 MB)

you can still use shaders for this , but im afraid that you need to adjust fresnel and pointiness for ur models .

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Add > Grease Pencil > Object Line Art.
Then adjust the line arts settings in the properties window - in the Modifiers tab, the Effects tab and the Data tab…

Yes, it is kind of hidden away…

@kavun thanks! I’m confused about how your making the object be outlined in this .blend? I dont see a solidify modifier for reverse hull or anything.

@Matakani that only works when the camera is pointed at it and its much more resource intsensive that reverse hull method outlines so I’m not a big fan of the method

There’s a reason that basically every suggestion you’ve been given doesn’t offer a solution based on using the reverse hull.

Reversed Hull is ok-ish in a couple of very specific situations, and neither appears to be present here. (Motion Blur, and export for a game engine).

But you’re of course free to simply disregard all of that, continue to try to do it that way, and prepare to bang your head against the wall at some near future point when you run into the next thing that isn’t going to work well (overlapping geometry). :wink:

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I understand grease pencil is more customizable but the performance hit isnt worth it in my opinion. I plan to release these models for free for beginners to practice animation and they can’t do so if the fps drops to 5fps without any keyframes even being placed (which is what happens when i add a grease pencil outline to just the hair and press play)

I also don’t want to use freestyle because it doesn’t have live previews and the beginners will just be confused on why the render looks different and they cant customize it without learning something a little more niche than materials.

I like everything working in the workspace so its as easy as possible

Well, you’re in a bit of a “choose any two” situation: customizable lines you can art-direct to get exactly the look you want, speed and performance of the inverted hull method, everything working in the workplace easily and simply. You can have two of those, but you can’t have three.

Here’s the trick: you don’t leave the grease pencil activated the viewport while you’re animating. You set up your lines, get them the way you want, and then disable it. Do your animation, and turn the viewport lines back on right before you render.

simply using fresnel and geometry node pointiness mask, and then use it for 2 materials ( main material and dark ( outline material ) ) and again , its obviously not the best method , yet the most simple .

Could you share a screenshot of what that node setup looks like?

That’s not really a good method in this case- Pointiness requires Cycles, which doesn’t work with the fast viewport performance OP is looking for

i actually pinned a blend file :grin: , didnt you noticed?

well , its mainly works with fresnel anyways , idk if AO node works ? if yes , u can use it also .

ohh yes sorry. I thought this was a different method and that it worked with eevee

i really didnt know you need to use eevee(

i mean… it works still, but it looks too cheap for me .