Materials Directorys?

Hi all,
When I Download a texture/material off the web for blender i don’t know where to put it or what to do with it. Could someone please tell me where (in the directory i assum) to put it and how to use it please?
I am using blender 2.45, Windows XP.

Hi, what type of texture or material are you downloading?

Image formats like .JPG?
or are you downloading .Blend files?
or texture plugins (.py files)?

In blender the first two of these will need to be selected manually and assigned to an object.

An image texture can be loaded in the Materials Buttons (and Texture Buttons)
An existing material from another .blend file will need to be appended through the File Menu

Try the noob to pro wiki book (“noob to pro” in google will get it as first hit)

Ok thank you,
I ment .blend files sorry for not making that clear. How do I “An existing material from another .blend file will need to be appended through the File Menu”? Are there any good tutorials for it?

File -> Append or Link -> Select File -> Select whatever you want to append (in this case Material, or texture)

Thankyou :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile: Happy Blending!