i have collected materials & textures for some years now,
see my sig for my huge collections if your game, but look at this first.
119 Blender Materials, all named for file browsing.
lots, heaps, Plenty Of Blender textures.
Multiple Material Examples.
Multiple Texture Examples.
Only 12 Image textures.
Node Examples & SSS examples.
Animated Procedural Eye! by Ammusionist! http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=85722
Samples from all the materials collections!
Layout Based on Materiali_Kino Library.
blender materials repository
blender artists forums
the world wide Blender Community.
I wanted to create a Materials Preset Library for Blender.
easy to browse, showing a variety of Materials,Textures & Shaders.
sorry if the white writing is hard to read… i’ll have to fix that in my theme.
thanks must go to so many people, it would take a page to list them,
if you want to acknowledge your material here, please do so.
“what’s the use in making something for free if you can’t share it”
Adding the Presets.
Download & extract the blend file to a safe place.
.blender/materials works for me.
Open Blender (not the material preset file yet)
go File/Append & browse to the materials preset file.
select Scene “Materials” (the only scene)
you will now have a new scene called “Materials”
go back to your default/normal start up scene.
press ctrl/u (windows) to save user defaults.
Now each time you open Blender you have instant access to the Materials presets.
ps, when adding a material, use the ctrl key to data browse the material previews.
Very cool MA and a great way of accessing a material library quickly. Hopefully if this gets enough attention, the number “how do I make this material” questions will go down. Now, noob renders will have the same materials. ; )
3dGeek, just a quick google search will find 7zip or winrar.
xray51493, i append the scene “Materials”, this imports all models & materials from the blend file as a new scene. save user defaults, then it’s always there.
any materials you create would be best uploaded to http://www.blender-materials.org/
Just to clarify a few things.
Append the scene “Materials” to Blender. Save user defaults.
(don’t open the .blend then save user defaults, Append.)
now each time you open Blender there will be a extra scene called Materials.
When opening a older blend (prior to installing the materials)
the materials will vanish.
to prevent this from happening, it is better to append.
so instead of using file open for your older scenes.
use file append/scene to keep the materials intact.
when you resave your file, you may want to delete the Materials scene as it adds 3 meg to your files.
using Scenes to stack Blender with goodies can be a very easy way to extend & enhance many options in Blender.
Of course you could just open your blend file then append the materials scene.
i prefer to have the library available at all times.
you can do this with other scenes too, lighting, rigging, anything really.
so when you open up Blender everything is at your fingertips to start building.
I didn’t realize what it did when i posted originally, then i realized that it was added as a new scene, which is why i edited my post. I’m going to be adding the numerous materials that I have to this. And i will have to just delete the ones I won’t be using.