Our unique render-farm cow Matilda is looking for a stylish and personalized interior design
and blender is certainly a great tool of choice for such a task.
Have fun letting your creativity flow in your favourite software, render the images using our farm (some free credits provided for participants)
and compete for some usefull prizes!
You’ll find all the necessary info on the contest webpage (link above)
here’s some news for those of you who have already registered to the competition, as well as those who will (registration deadline is the 10th of January )
We have announced a subchallenge for all participants :
Post an open gl render of your WIP for the contest on the Instagram channel or Facebook Group, and win an additional starting credit bonus of $25! Extra starting credits mean more free tests, and remember that while the initial $50 goes a long way, you can never have too many credits! Your work in progress can be at any stage, so don’t be shy! Tag @garagefarm.net_blender_academy on your post and add the hashtag #blendyourinterior, and get that credit boost. Simple as that! Register if you haven’t already on our contest page
The deadline for this subchallenge is on the 10th of January, 2019.
In the midst of our competition it’s good to sit back for a while and have a chat about Blender
and how it can be a great tool for an archviz artist…
such as Jonathan Mercado who will be our special guest live on 10th of January 8PM UTC :