Matt Cap Shading texture

Is there a way which a matt cap can be rendered? I really like this shinny white texture. I tried to simulate it with the basic nodes, but doesn’t quite match. Also when I try to render it’s loosing it’s glossiness which is more visible in the view port shader.

Thank you.

Try using a glossy shader instead of principled

This is your basic way of doing matcaps:

That math in-between can be done in a variety of different ways (a map range node would probably be easier-- you’re mapping -1,1 to 0,1-- or you could use vector math. This is an old node group of mine.) It’s typical to scale up the matcap a little bit by some arbitrary number-- that’s what my “margin” value node is doing-- in order to prevent some edge artifacts on low poly meshes from the filtering. Matcaps aren’t really very filtering-friendly.

This isn’t exactly like a Workbench matcap. I tried to do it exactly like a Workbench matcap once but couldn’t figure it out. These coordinates are right (except Workbench doesn’t implement any margin); I think there’s some other color transform happening.

However, the difference is slight, and doesn’t really have any meaning for any finished picture.

Thanks for the insight, a bit tedious process with all those nodes, but if that’s whats required for the result, then Ill follow this method.

Kind regards.

Just make it once and put it in a node group.