Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey. Created in Blender 3.6. Textured in Substance Painter and Photoshop


You got his likeness good as I knew right away when I saw your render.

However he looks too pale. Vampire pale. Looks like him from the front but from the side looks like Jake Gyllenhaal. Also there is a filter on him.

Work a bit on his profile and it will look even better.



The colors were probably compressed due to the download, because my image has more “blood” in the skin. Anyway, I edited the pic a bit

Funny, but I think the opposite - that he is looks like him from the side view, but not from the front😄
Let me try to download the image again

Still pale, but has more red tone

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you.

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