Maya-like shelf?

Unfortuneately, a pie menu is nothing like Maya’s shelf :frowning:

Maybe he meant Pie Menu Editor. The level of customization you can pull on that thing is ridiculous. Sure, I’d prefer everything, or at least some basic stuff, like a easy to customize custom shelf, to come native inside Blender, but it’s an awesome temporary alternative. Worth every penny.


This is what the shelf truly is. Without this, nothing comes close to actually being as good as the shelf. If the Blender devs give us this ability, I don’t care if the UI representation of it is a shelf or something else.

Is it still impossible to make custom shelf/toolbar in 3.3?

I played around with the idea of having an optional strip of TopBar icon shortcuts. The plan, at first, was to get it going and then see if I could make it customizable. But because of the way that Blender is so context-driven I could only put global operators up there (things that don’t care which area is currently active) and quickly ran out of things that could possibly be added. So not much utility in being able have it customizable if there isn’t many things to fill it.

You could always take a look, compile it, play with it, add things to it.


Hey all, i made this while ago but i saw this post just now … so go check it out:

(read both readme.txt files, the one in root , and also the one under “shelves” dir)
since in blender you cant have “button” that simply runs python script, this addon will read your python scripts and then automaticaly generate python code which will register operators and make “buttons” with that operator (this is automatic on every startup), so all you do is organize your .shelf files and rest is automatic.

Btw, im working on new version which will be a bit more user friendly, stay tuned


I’ve been using this for quite a while now. Extremely easy to use, free and works well.

It has proven incredibly useful.

It does all the management for you. You can literally write some script in the editor, decide it does what you want, add a button to the tool shelf and your done. It will take the code from the script editor. Now you can run this script whenever you want from that button. Where the script is saved is completely transparent to the user. You can of course always edit it from that very same panel if you ever need to update/tweak it.

I can’t overstate its usefulness.