Maze Game

I have made a maze game, where the camera is the character, but I dont know how to save the game. How do you??? I want to e-mail it, but I don’t know how to save! :<

Also, how do you make an object(like the walls and floor of my maze be walls, like so the camera cant go through them???

Please reply as soon as possible!

To save your game as an exe you need to Click File->Save Runtime. You need to include sdl.dll and a python dll (depends on which version you’re using) in the folder with the game. These DLLs can be found in the folder where blender is installed. You need an actual object to detect collisions so it will not go through the floor. The camera will not detect collisions. Parent a dynamic empty to the camera to prevent it from going through the floor.

for the camera thing:

Control a cube instead. Set Actor and Dynamics on. Now, make sure it can’t go through anything. And then stick the camera inside it. You’d have to track it to the cube in such a way that if it turns, so does the camera and such. Sorry, but not too sure how to do that.

And remember, in the game engine the faces are only visible if the normals are facing you, so if you point the normals out side, and your camera inside, the cubes invisible :smiley:

And remember, in the game engine the faces are only visible if the normals are facing you, so if you point the normals out side, and your camera inside, the cubes invisible

Faces can also be made invisible by selecting them in face mode and pressing ‘W’ then clicking Set…Inivisible.

Well, I changed it a bit, now the cube is the character, but it still goes through the walls!!! And when I put Actor<<Dynamic on it just falls through the floor!!!

How do make Actor<<Dynamic NOT fall through the floor?

Where game for DOWNload and play?? :<
FLUID!!! :<

I have had a simular issue when parenting a camera to a Dynamics object. I am currently testing out a simular issue except the armature is the problem. It may be that the camera is touching the ground prior to the box and so the ground may react to the ghost setting of the camera first, but the box has the weight that makes it hit the ground.