MB-Lab Release for Blender 2.80

Not sure about your workflow. When you say you are creating a model for MBLab, you mean that model is going to use or be used into MBLab?
Because that would turn the model to AGPL on the spot…
Or that you used MBLab in the process or doing this particular model? Then it’s AGPL before it hits the ground. That means you uploaded an AGPL model to Blendswap, not a CC0 one.
Or that you are manually creating a model that’s conformant to MBLab specifications? That’d mean you’re using MBLab database specification to do that. And that’s rings… AGPL!

(Pursuant article 70.51 law 40.18 … :hushed:)

Since Manuel broke it, MBLab is a mine field. Sorry guys, that’s not so simple. If I download that model from Blendswap I genuinely trust the author, while instead I’m infringing someone else rights. That is, committing a crime.
I stumbled on this almost randomly. This thing should be clear, for community sake and respect.
Please clarify this potential issue.