Hi all,
here is my newest project. I want to make a small commercial for my company (logo is ‘art is to see the whole picture’). My idea is to make one animation of mechanic wheels where at the end would turn one piece to comp. logo. This animation/video I would then place as a texture to the puzzle. Puzzle will be also animated.
So during the puzzle would be slowly connected also the first (mechanic) animation would follow. And at the end when all pieces would be connected the logo wheel would change and show the logo. A bit experimental - but why not???
So now I think that I’m slowly finishing with modelling…
first picture - first mechanic model
second - puzzle with the mechanic texture
thank you. My idea was opposite: at the begynning would be visible only several parts of the puzzle.
Slowly other parts would start to appear (at first only that parts of puzzle where the mechanic wheel starts). When the puzzle parts would be connected would start also the mechanical animation. So the mechanic animation would follow the puzzle. And at the end when the middle puzzle piece (logo) would be put (the puzzle would be completed) the logo would turn and appear.
hi, thats pretty good.
the whole concept is quite good,
possibly you could have the small ball turn lights on the cogs as it rolls down the platforms?
you could have the whole thing dimly lit with a spot light on the ball,
as the cogs are activated the material could brighten with an emitter texture/material.
to turn on the machinery…bright = active
just an idea?
good work so far.
Great I love the concept and the renderings are ok. Maybe make some things transparant? Other things metallic, reflective/mirror effect ?
Maybe make the ball emit a glow/light (through halos?) ?