Medieval House from Attack on Titan

I have been planning to make an Attack on Titan(AOT) cgi short video on blender which will be based on the scene where the female titan is chasing everyone around.

I still am learning Blender and character modelling/sculpting in that, so in the meanwhile I am also creating some assets I might need for the short.

So here’s my attempt on making the house from AOT .
The reference I used:

My attempt:
Started with this base mesh.

Adding the windows and that wooden frame thingy:

I used simple black and white color for the materials for now

Forgot to Add the roof windows, so here it is:


So overall, the modelling process took about 3 hours.
Now left is actual material and UV mapping and texturing which I struggle with the most! Will do it soon.

I am open to your feedback and critics (pls be honest, I won’t mind), this will help me learn a lot.

Since you haven’t done any texturing yet, Ill just comment on the modeling and form. Ill start by saying I like it! As a AOT fan myself, I cant wait to see this completed!

Firstly, I’m not sure if its because of the camera angle, but I don’t see a door. you should add one, even if this house is only going to be seen from a distance

Secondly, Unless you’re going to be seeing this house purely from a far distance, you’re going to want add shingles. It will change the silhouette from a abnormally straight line into a more dynamic realistic line. I would recommend also just slightly moving around a few vertices in random directions to also help with breaking up the cg looking straight lines.

Thirdly, this is a small one, but just popping the beams out a little further, from the wall, will add a bit more shadows, and might make it look a little more interesting, the human eye loves contrast :grin:

Lastly, all your edges should be beveled, even if its the edge you want to look sharp, bevel it slightly, it looks much more natural

Id also recommend, making a few more variations of this house if more then a few houses are going to be visible in the render.

All in all I think it looks really good so far! I think its going to look great once you get those textures on there :+1: Can’t wait to see the finished piece! Cheers! :metal:

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Thanks for the feedback Collin @CMP3D !! I am new to this and your tips definetley helped me. Yea there’s no door for now :sweat_smile:. but i will be adding it soon after I it more refined. That tip about dynamic realistic line instead of straight was very helpful, I almost forgot to consider it . I extruded the beams and it looks much better now.Thank you :smile:

UV mapped it , still not complete tho but I am getting there.

I have never textured before , after watching some tutorials ,this is the best I could come up with :

From the viewport :

cycles render:

I am aiming for a stylized realistic(not photorealistic) look , but I don't know what it is but it still looks a bit cartoonish ! maybe I should change texture or something ?

I reckon adding some grunge textures and other surface imperfections such as patches of exposed brick would go a long way to adding realism.
Also as previously mentioned adding a bevel modifier to the objects would help.
Another thing is that the edge of the roof doesn’t seem to be textured/unwrapped right, with those large dark patches. Also looking at the reference the square shapes in the windows should all be the same size. Hope that helps!