MEDIEVIL ! robots animation

Yea so I am just posting out of pure whatever I just rendered this thang for 28 hours because I have a 10yo pc And personally I don’t like the momevents of the robot arms but the sounds makes it cool and i kinda little tiny winy bit like the movements but it could have been muuuch better


Great work!:fire::fire::fire:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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how did this take 28 hours? at what size and samples you rendered this? how many frames?

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well I had Imac 2013 20.5 inch and 128 render samples per frame + denoise + composite and 250 frames 1 frame took 11-13 minutes so yea calculate that and you have roughly to 25-28 hours :DD

Interesting work! May I ask how you achieved that fish-eye lens effect?

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and its only working in cycles you have to play with the settings and you can only see them when you are in render view

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