Hi, this is a personal project, I did it as practice.
Hope you like it.
I dont like this zero, too round, look like a girl, I prefer this one http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/121691/3653462-zero_(megaman_x)_full_131545.jpg aside from being too round I think it is a great model
Joseph esta chevere la composicion! pero meeh… Zero esta más femenino de la cuenta, si antes tenia cara de niña ahora parece una Barbie con armadura Dx<, los shaders están chéveres creo que a la espada le vendría bien un brillo como en Starwars, y que sea algo semi trasparente los cristales. La iluminación y los colores están perfectos!
Joseph you composition is great! but meeh… you feminice more to the count to Zero, if the original (of megaman zero series) have a girl face, now looks a Barbie with armor Dx<, the shaders are great, I believe the sword could be looks good if have a glow how the Starwars saber, and a little semi transparent the cristals. The lighthing and colors are perfects!
Rob Roy, Star Wars, > Sleepy Hollow.