Megami Girl short thing

Hello! I made this onefor an Italian Friend that is in fact a girl :wink:
It’s a compositor thing, the background is real.
Please Ignore the music and all sound :o In fact turn Of your speakers.
20sec. of copyrighted music at least in portugal is considerated ok, even legal I think… so Mr. Mika, hope that you don’t mind :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it :slight_smile: Definitely worthy of a good-quality saturday morning cartoon!

great… are you going to continue?

If you said Sunday morning I would be sad, but Saturday morning makes me really Happy :smiley: Thanks!
Thanks! Megami is one character of one of my already written long feature movie that is in stand by. She made a special appearence in this video, this is only version 1.0, hope to develop it allot more in the future :yes:

Cool work!

very very nice .
may i ask which tecnique have you used for the 2D animation of the face?

the characters moves around a little bit slowly though… he looks like very happy and perky kind of thing, but the acting doesn’t quite catch that.


Thanks everyone!
The mouth and eyes are made of CurvesCircles with 25 shape keys (the screen shot)
She´s happy… but she is also a very jealouse, not trust in others, sometimes melancólic thing :stuck_out_tongue: But yea, I could had push the animation a litlle more :wink: