Melbourne Blender Society (Proposed)- Call for displays of interest.

I will be there. I am currently working in Port Melbourne as Infinite Interactive, and I use blender for all my 3D modelling. I do prop modelling for the ABC’s Good Game project…it has been on TV a few times.

Am looking forward to it VERY much!


Yes Yes count me in and my daughter as well.
We live in South Gippsland so visiting Melbourne regularly is not on the agenda but as part of a support or local training group I’d be pleased to help.

Good night everyone. Very informative and a fun beer afterwards.


Agreed, I (and the other dudes) had a great time, it was nice meeting you all. Curious to see the videos now :slight_smile:

Yup. Was good to put some faces to sigs and talk geek in general.

Thanks again for organising it, David!

+1. Thanks to the organisers, presenters and everyone who turned up… I got to meet some cool people, and I learned stuff, too. Nice one.

I would love to have been there. Looking forward to seeing the videos!

Hello all - update on the videos: Frankensteining the audio into sequence & a tolerable/audible range tonight, then scoring it to the numerous video cuts sometime over the weekend. Not going to be the prettiest, but it should get the jidst of things across. Busy week, so I’m afraid that I won’t be able to post the fruits until ~Sunday afternoon. Was great to see you all there- more soon.

Everything that I could salvage is now up on the site. Audio turned out quite well, thankfully, so the videos, mp3s &c should present some fun. Going to head across to Blender Nation and see if I can get word out to the wider community… fingers crossed

Melbourne was founded by free settlers in 1835, 47 years after the first European settlement of Australia, as a pastoral settlement situated around the Yarra River. It is located at the mouth of the Yarra River and on the northern and eastern shorelines of Port Phillip on an area of land that formed part of the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung nation’s territories for around 40,000 years.

try domain extensions first please
Real Estate

Hi David

I have been a blender user since 2000 and i a was very interested to see your post regarding the Melbourne Blender Society meetings. I missed the October meeting but would be very interested in being involved with anything you need a hand with.

I will keep my eye on Blendernation and Blenderartists regarding the January meeting but in the meantime my work can be found at

The train sim will be undergoing a full re-do once the Yo-Frankie dvd is finished so i can incorporate all the new shading features etc.

Please let me know if i can help spread the word of Blender.
Many Thanks

Dave Simpson
(Dr S)