
Hello, Community! QwQ Meet Memoria!

I’ve sculpted body in ZBrush, dress was made in MarvelousDesigner, everything else in my favorite Blender ٩(^‿^)۶


Absolutely beautiful work. You’re starting the new year by knocking it out of the park.

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Once more - excellent work!! :star_struck:
The flowers alone are super gorgeous!
And I simply love the expression on your character’s faces. Bravo!


Beautiful work.
And thank you for continuing to share your work with everyone here.



Oh, Thank you so much! TwT :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:
But to be honest, I’ve made this wok a bit before the new year oxox :smirk:

Thank you!!! :heartpulse: v :heartpulse:
I started from flowers, really wanted to make lilies. They took the same time as the character :sweat_smile:

Thank YOU for your support! :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Thank you! QwQ

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Fantastic! :grin:

Great work! Thanks for the additional material, the progress gif especially is really interesting.

If I can say, while the overall image got better and better, I think I preferred the face in the earlier stages, and also the color and style of the hair. It might be because of the low quality of the image in the gif that hide the details a bit, but the impact I got from the face of second slide of the gif (but also n3 and n4) was really powerful, I kind of lost that slightly from slide 6

With that said, again, great job!

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Oh, Thank you! :relaxed: :relaxed: :relaxed:

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Oh, I’m getting sick of telling you how wonderful your work is. :rofl::laughing::rofl:

Just of pure curiosity, have you ever tried working 100% in Blender?

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@rakurri Thank you! =))

@Bernardo I see =) I’ve added a subtle smile at the end. Thank you for your feedback! It is very helpful! :heartpulse:

yowzers this is excellent. well done!

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No worries! Yes I noticed the smile, and it’s not something bad at all, it’s still a very beautiful face and the expression works very well. It’s just that the feeling I got looking at the face, expression, head angle of the first version was really really powerful. Face and expressions are super tricky in general, and a lot can change with all the subtelties. Beside, it could just be just my personal taste! :slight_smile:

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Ahahah :sweat_smile: how sweet! :smirk: :white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart:
I tried. But it wasn’t sufficient for me because of time. For example, I can sculpt in ZBrush much faster (I used to it, and it was made specifically to sculpt) :relaxed:
I’ve heard that Blender will be as good for sculpting as Zbrush. Really looking forward to it QwQ

@pancake_manicure Thank you so much! :white_heart: T v T

@Bernardo I can see why you like first better =) My mood changed during the project. I tried to make her less cold :thinking:

Well then you succeded! The first expression was much more intimidating! :smiley:

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