Hi everyone!
Take a look at this code:
from Blender.Draw import *
tog = Create(1)
men = Create(1)
def gui():
global tog, men
tog = Toggle("Click_Me",1,30,10,100,18,tog.val)
men = Menu("a | b| c| d| e| f", 2,30,40,100,18, men.val)
def event(evt, val):
if (evt == ESCKEY and not val): Exit()
def bevent(evt):
print "BUTTON:",evt
Register(gui, event, bevent)
If you select one item from the menu, there always occure two events: event “2” and event “4”. If you click and leave the menu w/o selecting, you get event “2” and “8”. This is very annoying if you have another button fiering event 4 or 8.
So here is my question: Are there any other “standard”-button-events?