Mercedes-Benz 250S (W108) - 1966


Hi there! I like all the work you posted since joining BA :grinning:, all very good quality. This one in particular is of interest to me. I was wondering where you found reference material, if you would be kind enough to share. I wish to (one day in the future) model a 1971 Mercedes, 280 SE. So far I have not found proper blue prints. Thanks! Happy Blending.

Thank you @ GSB, I can share the link for the blueprints. I must add that I put the drawings through an AI upscaler in order to make it slightly easier for me to pick out certain details.

il_fullxfull.2615470591_hv2i.jpg (2000Ɨ3000) (

I found this via a general google image search for mercedes benz w108 technical drawings. If the link does not work, I can provide the link for the actual image itself. I hope this helps.


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Thank you very much! This is much better quality than what I found so far. :grinning: :+1: It definitely helps me a lot.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!