Mesh Attributes Menu eXtended (Geometry nodes ↔ Shape Key/Sculpt Masks and more)

Mesh Attributes Menu eXtended

This addon extends the Attributes Menu in Properties panel.

Blender 3.1.0 or newer
Github project page: Github
Download: Github or Gumroad
Basic tutorials & help: Wiki

What is it?

This addon is “a bridge” to universal storage room that can be used in various systems in blender and enables them to work together.

The attributes system gets expanded with each update of blender, but currently the uses for it from user interface are limited. You can set them in geometry nodes and with some operators, but that’s it.

This addon enables you to do more with them

  • Manual value assignment by selecting vertices, faces, edges and corners (like vertex groups or face maps!)
  • Creating Attributes from 40+ data sources - Vertex Groups, Shape Keys, masks…
  • And converting them back to anything you want - to Vertex Groups, Shape Keys, Freestyle outlines, seams, sculpt mode masks…
  • Creating a selection in edit mode by attribute value
  • …and more! (See Github Project Page to see all features)

Example usage

Click on images to play animations

  • Replacement for vertex groups and face maps to mark selection in edit mode for use in Geo Nodes

  • Inverting that selection quickly

  • Using shape keys in Geometry Nodes

  • Creating and storing Sculpt Masks and Face Sets.

  • …and also modifying and creating them in geometry nodes + using them in shader editor.

  • Using Edge Seams in Geometry Nodes or using Geometry Nodes to mark Freestyle outlines

  • Setting attribute value for face corners, for precise mesh coloring & split normals editing


This sounds like something interesting, and I’m sure it’s very useful, but could you give real examples, ideally video tutorials of how this can be used in practice, because I’m more than sure that due to the complexity and not understanding how to apply it, many people won’t want to get into it.
I say this as a person who has been studying blender for 8 years - I don’t understand how it works)))

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The description of the addon that I posted here isn’t great, sadly it seems I cannot edit the post to add more details. The project github page has updated and more visually appealing description of the features & examples.

I’ll add some step-by-step tutorials with screenshots later on the github page to replicate the examples and add something more fun, because indeed, this is not quite intuitive. Also it’s not a typical geometry nodes workflow either.


Nice - excellent examples on the github page - verry usefull :grinning:

This link is broken, curious to see it!

Hey guys, I’ve requested permissions to edit the post to make it less confusing and update the images. Hopefully I’ll be able to fix it soon.

In meantime, I’ve created simple tutorials on the github wiki page that help getting started with using the attributes and give some idea of the workflow that this addon provides.

The tutorials are targeted at the users familiar with blender and geometry nodes.
There is also an installation guide, just in case.

Feel free to ask if something gives you trouble, as it might help others too.

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You can edit now.

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Thank you!

I’m not sure if .webp uploads work, so I used .gifs under 1MB size limit instead to not kill the page loading time. Hopefully it loads somewhat quickly for everyone!

Edit: It looks like gif auto-play is disabled, so it should not be an issue at all

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This is exactly what I was looking for. Nice work! Looking forward to see it compatible with 4.1

Done, release that fixes most of compatibility issues with 4.1 is now available on releases page on github.

It needs some thorough testing on various blender versions, so there likely will be another update in few days that fixes any new issues.

There was an issue that made previous version of the addon not installable. I will upload the addon to gumroad as it needs to be packaged/uploaded manually and will make me check for such issues twice.

This also caused some issues when upgrading the addon - please remove the addon and restart blender before installing new version.