Mesh into texture

Hey guys! is there any way to make my Mesh with its current colors into a texture? because im haveing problems exporting it to UE4, it just gets all white when i try… any solutions for this?

not hard. create an image with two spots of color, reset the uvs or otherwise unwrap, then move the faces to the right colored spots.

Thanks! but i cant like paint wiith emission right? because i cant seem to find it…? c:

You can also build a simple material shader and use vertex colors if you’re not making a higher detail texture. That would be lower GPU use than textures. Vertex colors are commonly called ‘free’ in game engines, though technically not accurate.

you are going to want to learn alot more about how ue handles materials.

it has its own node editor which is quite complex. i think 3 constant will get you a color.

the two materials should appear in your assets. i think you can double click to open the editor. ask on ue4 forums, they will know what to do.

Okey, THanks guys c: @Daedalus_MDW @sirmaxim