Mesh is rigged in Blender, but animations for that rig won't play

I have a rig for a dragon and a model of a dragon. The rig fits the model and it is connected. Still it won’t play any animation made for that rig. I have no idea what is wrong and why the mesh isn’t reacting with the skeleton it is connectet to. (In Pose mode it does) but not for animations???
Can someone please take a look at the file and tell me what is wrong?

Blender Dragon

Test Animation:

Thank you

Hi, it looks like you exported the rig without the animations. When you export/import you need to tick with animations.

No thats not what I want ot need. I want to use those animations on my model and therefor have applied skinning to the mesh and joined it with the rig. But now it won’t play those animations. I also can not import /append / or link the animation data to the modelfile

Noone has any idea? Odly enoughe when I export and import the original character (the one the rig is from) it won’t work either. It says Rigging missmatch. WTF? It’s only this one model. When I do the very same thing with any other model it will work fine, but the dragon wont! Even without changing anything. So I’m stuck with an ugly mesh and cannot replace it with a good one. This is very bad :frowning:

Best I could do is something like this:

Please if anyone is able to make it so that the “Test Animation” is part of the “Blender Dragon”. In other words that the animation is played by the file with the skinned mesh. I would be very thankful

OK, sadly I don’t think there is a solution at all. Blender just can’t export FBX files without issues and even the “Better FBX Exporter” Plugin can not do it :frowning:

When I import and export the mesh to maya animations are working fine. But I HATE maya and I have no idea how to get the good looking model in that stupid maya s**t. I hate this. I bought this asset in hope I could alter it to my needs and now I’m stuck with something I can not use. Again! Why is it that people only give the ugly meshes for sale with animations and good looking meshes can never be used. Great.

The animation is nothing but empties…that are supposed to drive the bones…the problem is exporting to FBX the object constraints are not maintained…
That is just FBX and not really a Blender Problem…

What should happen is each bone should have a corresponding EMPTY that transfers location and I guess rotation to the bone by a constraint… your mesh and armature don’t have the constraints so won’t work…

Usually, it is an armature that carries the bone data and is easy to transfer to the rig…

If like you say it works fine in Maya… It would be better to export from there with the animation…
Where did the Animations come from? Maya? Better to export the Armature with the animation data … than that weird stuff Maya and 3dmax do!

Or you have to add the constraints bone by bone…But before you do that…there still is something wrong with the rigging ( bone roll I guess) as I did just a few constraints and the mesh will deform in various areas ( REAL BAD )

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It would work if I would know how to transfer the skin weights from blender to maya. Maya weightpainting is a pain in the ASS and there is no way to get my beautiful weightpaint from blender into Maya. :frowning:
I don’t know how to properly weightpaint in Maya as well. All I know is that it is a pain and a hell to go through.
The problem is in maya it is only in grayscale for me and the paint tool is horrible in controlls, also I have no idea how to paint the spines in maya. Those would need one single color value per spine. I do not even know how to do this in maya. Maya is just a pain.

I tried this Dora Weight painting tool but I now think it is a big hoax. It does not work at all. Its just an empty dialog box that can not import anything. I have no idea how people make it work:

Then I hate to say this " physically hurts ". you might need to study how to weigh paint in Maya…( SORRY)

Look up converting Empties to Bones and you will see that there is very little about it…and as far as the constraints, people use them quite often but usually not for a complete armature…

I did find an Empty to Bones python file and it does work…to an extent…

Unzip first or it won’t install correctly or install manually…

you can see there are a lot of problems… with the mesh…could be bone-roll or weight paint…Might take a lot of work to fix…or maybe not…
Add2UnityBlender-Kinda-Fixed.blend (3.2 MB) Blender3.1 file…
Good Luck!

Wow, thank you. This looks good. I will look into it