Mesh only follows half the rig

So I created half a mesh, mirrored, as is the norm. And I rigged half of said mesh and then duplicated and flipped the applicable pieces. This all worked fine, no problems. In following a tutorial on the game engine, however, it instructed that in order for the animations to play in the game window I had to change the relationship between the mesh and the armature from object to armature. This is where the problem begins, the mesh has a large hole between the two halves (not in the video) and the limbs go to extreme angles (that is present in the video) it then instructs to remove the armature modifier to solve this problem. I do so, and the pose is no longer at bizarre angles, but both halves become symmetrical, and the tear remains. Playing an animation or working in pose mode reveals that both halves of the mesh are only following the left (the original) side of the armature. Meaning that any movement on the left side is mirrored on the right side, and attempts to move the armature on the right side are unresponsive. Can anyone tell me how to fix this, or how to avoid these steps in working with the game engine?

Issue with armature hidden

Issue with armature shown

Rig/Mesh before the issue

Thanks in advance.

Really need to see the file… And I’m not a game engine person, but assume getting it to work in animation, will get it working in the game engine.

Looks like 2 issues: mesh tearing and mesh not responding to armature correctly.

Tackle the tearing issue first. Try disabling the armature modifier by using the buttons at the top of the modifier. If this stops the tearing, look at the mirror modifier, is clipping enabled? If it isn’t (and it’s not turned on by default), turn it on, enter edit mode, select all the verts down the center of the character, and move them left/right until they stay stuck in the center.

As to the mesh not responding, make sure the mirror modifier is set to mirror vertex groups. Then check the bones that you duplicated, did you flip their names when you mirrored them? If you have a bone named arm.L for the left side, is that same bone on the right side named arm.R? If not, you need to correct the names of the bones.

pretty much all I can offer until I see a file…


Thank you very much for your response. Unfortunately by the time the forum had allowed to post to come up I had solved my problem. I had fixed it by applying the mirror modifier. However, after I apply the mirror modifier trying to then change the parenting type to ‘armature’ then deleting the armature modifier would prevent the animations from playing in the game engine. I therefore ultimately skipped this step.

Meran.blend (797 KB) (Meran is the character’s name)

This is the file if anyone is interested, I’m still a newb, so forgive the shoddy work within. Ultimately I am able to continue on with the project, thank you for your help.