Mesh to volume inside of geometry nodes, and applying a texture in to density?

this been bugging me for a while.

If I use geometry nodes and use the volume cube, and feed a procedural texture in to it, there is a density change based on that texure obviously, but the main shape is a cube.

Now that volume cube input is a volume density per voxel. (grey diamond input)
The density for a mesh to volume, is just a float inpunt(grey dot)
So…adding a procedural texture will not work there, the connection. becomes highlighted as red.

So…I am lost here if it even is possible to add a proper node that converts it right?

So basicly, if we take a toroid converted to volume, the result should be as almost displaceing it, but I do not want to go the displacement route, neither outside the geometry nodes, or inside the nodes with point position etc.

So…had my hopes you jus could slam a procedural texture in to the density, but…apparently not.

here is a displace effect, but this happens on the base of the actual mesh before converted to a volume, and not a texture that actually cuts in to the volume.

I think I may have the solution now, using proximity geometry, and feeding that in the the volume cube, and some gradients and maths, so that gave me the toroid shape inside the volume cube node, without actually converting the mesh to volume with it´s not working density function in regards to textures.

so…yeah, any poly mesh, “projected” with geometry proximity inside the volume cube,and it is represented as a volume with it´s unique form, rather than the volume cube being just a volume cube.

And as opposed to a mesh to volume and it´s density that do not accept a procedural texture as density input, this one does.

So…just make your main mesh, model or sculpt, project it inside the volume cube, and then volume to mesh for instance if you need rock stuff, or if you just need a volume, cloud or something based on a mesh and you rather prefer the quality of the volume cube instead a mesh with just a volume material…

Unlike a displacement map, you get deeper pockets, cavities and less uneven divisions on strong “displacements”

But…it´s a slow asset, you should convert to mesh in order to make it faster, easier to move around, and also to instance.

Optionally: The experimental “New Volume Nodes” have sampling and SDF capability. This may be more in line with your original expectations. :man_shrugging:
In Settings, enable Developer Extras in the Interface Panel, then enable New Volume Nodes in the Experimental Panel.
Expect crashes.
Good luck.