Mesh topology for animation

This is supposed to be my first modeling for animation… but i have almost no idea how the topology/edge flows should be and how important it becomes when it comes to animating.
For instance i have these two models, which one is better? are those edge loops necessary(there are 4 in the left one)? are they in the right places?
(this is going to be a wolf)

And please link me to a good tutorial or reference if you know one.

Second one looks better due to being less complex and having predictable deform.

You should try and make your model as simple as possible and rather use textures and bumpmaps for detail or you could make a high poly complex model and then make a low poly one and bake the details of the high poly one as bump maps for the low poly one.

Don’t get bog down in details at this stage. Make a quick simple model, rig, and create short animation sequence. Go through the entire work flow. Get familiar with the process. You will begin to see the relationship between mesh and bones.

Edge loops are handy tool. You can add more loops for more detail or delete them quickly. You can assign bone weights all at once. If you put loops around where bones connects, blender have easy time doing auto weighing.


This is not going to be used for a realistic render so sculpting/texture baking won’t be really necessary.

It seems that i should get familiar to the whole process, it will take some time but i think it’s the best thing to do.