messed up question

okay i go to confermation and the paster guy or whatever u call them (we just say “hey” to get his attention) anyway we were taking one of those tests that’s spossed to make u closer to god. well one question is choose one (u can’t say neither or both for u weirdos out there) :wink:

would u rather have a person pick your nose?

or you pick someone else’s nose?

one suggestion to you…

If anyone torments you with such ‘all or nothing questions’, smile at him, he´s not worth it. He doesn´t understand life or god. And he certainly will not bring you closer to any kind of god, because he lets you choose between a guilty conscience or being self-rightous and autocratic. Avoid both and good luck


I’d gladly pick someone else’s nose. Then I’d tell the doctor (plastic surgeon, I presume) which one I picked, and let him/her go to town.

Yet another sad example of the humanistic institutionalization of faith. Same with public schools, their going down the the drain.

just raise an eyebrow and say “whatever” in a very zen way.


look at him and then say you want the deviil to pick you nose and then feed it to him :wink:

Man religion sucks ass. (Sorry, just my opinion- no offense intended)