Metal Coffee Mug

A metal coffee mug in my house, it looks exactly like it. I may post a picture of it.
any suggestions on scenery i should build around it or texturing tips?(or i can just leave it the way it is)

I’m turning this into a sort of breakfast seen, still thinking of ideas for stuff. also if anyone has any good food tutorials for stuff i can put on the plate i would love it!:RocknRoll:

comments and critique welcome!!!

Why has no-one commented??
Anyway, I obviously missed it earlier.

For the mug:
A mug like that you’d probably be brushed aluminum, or brushed stainless steel, so add a clouds texture and stretch it horizontally. Use it as a bump map.

Similar to the mug, everything is a bit too smooth. Try adding a pattern to the utensils. And wood isn’t glass smooth. Try roughing it up a bit.

ahhhh i was trying to think of a way to get the brushed metal look, and the wood is just a backdrop while i think of something else to put in.


Here is the updated render, i am still trying to make the metal a little less noticeable and i will need to make a good scene. any comments, critiques, or tips are always welcome!


I think less is more. The first render you posted was the best of 'em all, where I think you really nailed the lighting as well as the scenery. The other props in the later shots just don’t live up to the quality of the first shot.

Also, as for the material, I think it might look more proper if the aluminum-ish cloud texture was applied into the specular channel instead of the bump/normal map.

@ BrainsUnlimited
i think you may be right about the plate, spoon, fork, and, sugar holder. i think i may try to have a proper breakfast scene and then i can figure something else out for the mug.

I jsut wanna see a render of this spilled on the table, with some toast covered in jam next to it…it’s looking graet so far, and i can’t believe i didn’t think of using a stretched clouds texture before reading that up there! :smiley:

I’m working on a different mug for this scene, still working on the texture. any comments critique or tips are always welcome!:smiley:

You might try Tangent Shading to get brushed look with the first mug.
Material>Shading>Tangent Shading

here is a render of just the metal mug texture needs some work. any tips comments or critiques are always welcome!

Tying to throw a table into this, scene i like it.

first is with no comp, second is with comp. if you have any comments or major problems you see please tell me because i don’t want to let it render for an hour then see a problem while its still rendering and have to start all over.
p.s. the comp render here is just like a preview, making actual render now.

It’s starting to look good. That black grainy texture looks a bit too strong in the cup aswell as in the table texture, so I’d tone that down just a little. To my eye the cup is too reflective atm. Also the whole material of the pot is lacking depth and looks way too generic, maybe you should try to tone down the blue a bit?

As for the composition, I’d so something for the overall color choices. Maybe try to desaturate just a bit or something to make everything blend together better. I’d even try to move the tablestuff closer to the window so that you could move the camera closer aswell. That would make the emptyness of the background less obvious.

Anyway, you are heading to right direction! Keep it up.