Metal Sculpture/Clock

I spent 70 hours designing, breaking apart and exporting this project. Now I’m 58 hours into the build. The cost of the materials is over $4,000 U.S. (so far) and I do not yet have the materials for the stand. The project will be lighted from the inside so that light leaks out around the windows (see the windows on the left side of the piece), then finished with sandblasting and Cerakote clear coat.


70ish hous to design and export; currently 90 hours into the construction. The decks, railings and collums are held in place with magnets in order to check fit-up. It appears that I got it right and will not have to add additional shims.
I still need to buy some metal in order to make jigs for the collums. These will hold the collum pieces rigid while they are brazed. I initially thought this project would require 400 - 500 hours to complete but now it looks as though the finish line will be between 250 - 300 hours, including the design, layout (in Blender) and export to laser cutter.