Hi all
So i don’t know if it is the right place to post this but i need some help.
My model right now is this.My problem is i don’t know how to do holes that are on barrel og mg42…i have used boolen but i already use Bevel to round barrel and if i use boolen my model will look horrible…how to can i do those things in same time,i mean to round barrel gun to look like the real one and to have holes in it…
Are you wanting your model to be high poly (using subsurf and etc…), or low poly (like for a game asset by example) ?
I want to create this model for my game so a low poly one
Ah, then 2 solutions :
the first is not modelling the holes, but using the texture to fake the holes
if you need modelled details, try that simple no effort solution :
With a simple plane, use CTRL+R to create loop cuts and move them like that :
As from there the holes would be too square, we’ll need an extra step, select only those vertices :
Press CTRL+V -> Bevel (or SHIFT+CTRL+V if you like finger gymnastic) to bevel those vertices, bevel them only a bit, like that :
Now to solve the ngon generation, simply select those 2 end vertices
And press J to join them, as all the beveled vertices are at the exact same height, the joining will join all of them on its way
Do the same for the lower part
No more ngons, now select those faces that will be the holes
Delete them to obtain your holes without the topology being a boolean mess while keeping low poly :
what about the ngons around the holes?
There shouldn’t be much of an issue but if you want to subdivide you could connect straight across with the knife tool, two more row of verts making it all quads.
My advice is to completely ignore ngons while creating non-deforming low poly assets. You’re going to triangulate the mesh later anyway.
You’re going to triangulate the mesh later anyway
Blender would do that on export probably. If ngon is flat face does that matter really?
Old fashioned way of getting this done:
- Add plane. Edit mode.
- Add 2 loopcuts on each side; add one loop in the middle between already created, delete middle vertex.
- Use LoopTools Circle or built in To Sphere to get middle square loop round.
- F fill in face, I inset, delete middle face again (same as extrude,Esc, scale ring of vertices)
- B select middle vertices, V to rip them; do not move
- L select one half and only then move some.
- w Bridge faces.
- Add Array mod, check Merge, Apply in Obj mode Array.
- Combine with one face with circular hole (you saved in the beginning of this ;))
- Add Subsurf, Solidify mod, set creases.
Oops, forgot about them, fortunately it’s the same easy solution as getting rid of the ngons above, just select vertices from each side of the whole plane and J
Depends. If you’re going to be baking a normal map, then yes, it matters, you should ensure the triangulation in your baker of choice and in your game engine is the same so that in turn the tangent space is the same. If you’re not going to bake a normal map, then no, it doesn’t matter if you triangulate it.
Hmm… If normal is tangent to one plane (triangle, part of the flat ngon) i don’t see why others wouldn’t for the rest of the bunch whatever is the cut scenario. Not accounting for edge/vertice normals - blender and it’s internals does minority report here.
I have no idea what you were trying to say there.
Theory is correct but subdivision introduces approximation problems with the normal at edges that cannot be resolved by ‘minority report’ if ngons are not convex. Although subdiv libraries are getting smarter right. Unlike me because I may have misunderstood your comment completely.
Anyway Blender does better and better all the time at shading and triangulating nonplanar ngons! I was not able to actually create an example of a problem using this mesh! In fact it was fine with all ngons left in, even with some slight deformation it shaded quite smoothly.
Sure, agreed, and my apologies - normal is perpendicular to pane, not tangent. What i was saying is that i don’t see why nm would be different if baked from what initially was convex ngon, flat and included in flat quads. I could cut it manually into quads or triangles, but what for?
Quick floating geometry nm bake example.
Because when baking you’re barycentrically interpolating vertex normals. Different triangulation gives a slightly different result. I’ve created a situation where the artifacting is horrible on purpose here:
Original on the left, flipped triangulation with same map on the right.
Ah Piotr you put it beautifully I was just struggling with how to express that.
I certainly do lack some to express my self on necessary level, but this while impressive is different from what i tried to convey.
Tanks guys for a conversation - still, until i trip on this… ;).