MGO "Igniter" MV

Thank you. This was a tough job, but EEVEE made it a reality!

Mind-blowing! As everyone else mentioned, you and your team managed to pull this off with Eevee, as opposed to Cycles or a similar offline renderer, which is a feat in itself!

Just a quick question, though–exactly what version of Eevee did you use? The “Legacy” version of Eevee (the one where you have to spend significant amounts of time trying to figure out the right settings for Ambient Occlusion, Screen Space Reflections, Bloom, etc.) or the new ray traced Eevee in Blender 4.0? Using either correctly are both impressive in their own ways (Cycles and offline renderers still seem to be the most straightforward way to get proper lighting, shadows and global illumination), but if you were using an older version of Eevee, then I pray you will recover physically and mentally from having to tweak all those settings constantly…

Everyone on the team agrees with that. I’m grateful for this opportunity :smile:

Are you by any chance inspired by the art of Huke (