MHX2 Hair Looks Liike Afro

I need to know what is wrong with the hair in this file (warning: nudity):
The hair is found in the Outliner Editor at Female_muscular_hair > Female_muscular_hair:Body > Female_muscular_hair:Body > Hair
When this is selected, and in the Properties editor’s Particle context is selected, I get something like an Afro when Children > Simple is selected

and I get the hair coming out of her cheeks when Children > Interpolated is selected (which is my preferred setting).

This model was created in MakeHuman 1.0.2. MHX2 was used to transfer it into Blender 2.73. In Blender’s MHX2 I used the overwritten MHX2’s female_half_long hair. I did not merge the hair with a mesh. The Afro appeared when in Blender I went into object mode and scaled down the model by .1 on all axis. This was necessary to scale the model to a real world scale, which also makes this model match the dimensions it has in MakeHuman.

This is the guide I used to do the transfer:

My ultimate goal is to make this hair obey gravity in physics simulations.

The big issue is that you have set the particle system to emit from a vertex group call ‘skull’ but you have not assigned any vertices to it.

  1. on the particle system, ‘free edit’

  2. go into weight paint mode and make sure the skull vertex group is selected (it is in your blend) see how it is all blue, that means no weights been assigned. So either weight paint the skull, or go into edit mode and select the verts you want and click ‘assign’ with a weight of 1. (in object properties, the triangle)

  3. the hair is now emitting from the skull. in particle settings, increaee number from 55 to 1000 - 3000.

  4. At the very bottom, hair settings, change root to ~.05 - .1
    4b) if you keep simple children lower the radius to move children closer to parent, or just make them interpolated.

  5. Go into particle mode

  6. change to ‘comb’
    7( check checkboxes for root, and length, lower deflect emitter to ~.4 and comb the hair

Then you start dealing with materials and lighting…

If you are planning on attempting particle physics, you would be smart to use the gooseberry build of blender which has greatly improved hair physics.

Thanks for your reply. There is an MHX2 option to merge the hair with the mesh at the scalp. I will try this first to see what difference this makes.

Is there a released version of Gooseberry or as of now is this only available in unstable versions?