Rendered with Cycles, AI finished with Magnific AI and Aiarty, Final processed with Photoshop. Wood furniture is modeled after real world products.
Great work. I really like the warm, spring like atmosphere. Maybe a bit too much flora for a real bedroom. Nice details on all the fabric stuff, also the carpet. Have you made them yourself too?
And may I ask how many light sources you’ve installed in the scene? I don’t mean the count of single light objects, more different light categories. Like sunlight, kicker from the sealing, through the two windows etc.
Thanks, you are probably right on the greenery. I am not an interior decorator naturally at all. Sometimes I do too much. l will try to upload a different version with less plants, more natural looking.
I have 4 area lights and a Nishita sky texture for the world/sunlight.
I wanted a door to reflect in the mirror, so I got the lights where I wanted with a window, then dropped a door into the room in the place for it to properly reflect in the mirror. I turned everything off on the door except glossy, transmission, and shadow under visibility. Added a png tree cutout outside the room for some more interesting shadows on the floor.
I have two area lights shining through door to adjust how much bounce light I had and how intense the shadows were. A single area light outside the two visible windows in the scene. I use ray depth on all area lights to adjust the bounce lighting.
In order to not take too long on my scenes, I use models that give me the impression of what I want, and then mod it with AI. I model all the furniture, and some of the decor, and the room itself. Otherwise, I get models from a number of places to fill out the scene. Only my furniture matters that it be real objects. I don’t let the AI mess with that besides adding crispness and reflections to those.
So here is my raw rug render:
And after AI processing:
My render:
After AI processing:
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thank you Bart, have a great weekend.
Wow, thanks for the detailed answer! Really appreciate it.
Interesting to hear how much effort goes into lighting in renders like this. Not that I didn’t expaxt that, but more the amount of fine detail adjustments you put into each light, e.g. ray depth.
Also interesting to see the effects of AI image manipulation here. I haven’t dealed with AI in such use case (3D scene overhaul) yet.
Thanks again for the insights.