MifthTools Addon

I thought I got the latest. Isn’t it the one from https://github.com/mifth/mifthtools/archive/master.zip

Did you succeed to use the tree to the left?

I managed to make it functional. However, it does not matter - the Mifth tools do not seam to be useful unless the clones are lowpoly. :-/

Just download files again and replace old files.
Yes i copied the tree too. But you need to set pivot at the bottom.

Also, you can set the tree as a bounding box in the viewport.

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I have good news for you. Cloning tools are alive!


I accidentally read this post topic as a “MILF ADDON”


How does “Radial Clone” work? The only thing I get is an object turned 45 degrees? Please explain!

I’d love to see Draw Clones have a mode like ZBrush’s IMM brush where I can click and drag. Direction from click during hold controls rotation around the selected Axis and distance controls scale in user selected axes. Axis already defaults to Z and if the scale Axes defaulted to X and Y, that would replicate it pretty well.

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Hi. Sorry for late reply.
You can change clones numbers

You can try miratools primitives.

  • Install MiraTools
  • Select a cloning object
  • Shift+A → Mira Clone
  • set Orient = True
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Thanks for the info. Now I have 5 objects sitting on. top of eachother. How would I get now a nice circle as you have on your image?

You can also use local and world coordinates.

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Mofer tool is broken on Blender 2.82.
It works fine in Blender 2.79.

Thanks a lot. Fixed in the repository.


I worked with Mifth tool for drawing clones on surface. It worked really well in 2.8 - 2.83. Now in 2.90 it messes up the rotation of the object.

Could you please give me a blend file with steps to reproduce?

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In Mifth Tools select “PickObjects” the leaf in the scene scenter. Then select the surface (in wireframe look) and start “drawClones”. at the flat part of the surface it works but when you get to a steep part the normal rotation gets messed up. Thanks for looking!!

I confirm that 2.9 is broken.
It looks like this is Blender’s issue. I’ll report them.

I’ll write here if I get some news.

Right now you can use Miratools -> MiraClone tool. Just enable Orient parameter during cloning. The MiraClone tool is not broken.



It looks like blender devs have fixed the issue in 2.92 alpha.


Planet of the Apes! :grin::grin:

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The DrawClone is broken again. I reported a bug here https://developer.blender.org/T85734 . You can follow it if it will be fixed or not.


Hi @locostruenos , apologies for such a delay. I have fixed rotations.

And I have added some new features. I tested on blender 3.0.