milky texture


I face a strange problem mapping a simple texture image to the default cube: When I turn on the world ambient light, the white cube’s base appearance gets lighter, but the texture isn’t influenced by the ambient light, it is, nevertheless, only visible where it is intersected by directional light rays.

Is there a way to achieve a saturated appearence?

Thanks in advance!


instead of the ambient bar try turning on the expouse bar.

or, you could turn down the amb value in the material buttons, to about .25-.3.

Hello @ner, emilian,

I tried your suggestions, but the best result I achieved was

(after setting Exp to 1.00 in the World section (World buttons)) the left face is still completely uncolored…

Anyway, thank you for your suggestions.

Maybe I got you wrong :confused:

Does anybody know further hints?


You are adding Ambient color but not Ambient light. This does a color adjustment on the scene, but does not add more light. In the World settings, click on the Amb Occ (Ambient Occlusion or AO) tab and Turn on Ambient Occlusion. AO will actually add light (and render time) to your render. Also, set the Ambient color back to Black.

dude… if that’s youre problem… just change you lighting setup (i.e add another lamp or enable AO or bothe)

@DichotomyMatt, @ner: Thank you for your hints. Now it looks like I expected it. :eyebrowlift:

When I turn off raytracing when rendering, the result appears either dark or milky again. Why is ambient light linked with ray tracing?? Is there a way to counteract this?


AO needs raytracing… you can “counteract” this by adding a lamp (of any kind) instead. There is a way to fake GI (golobal illuminaton - the same thing as AO) using an ICO sphere and spotlights, but I belive that f youre scene is simple enough the ultimate solution is just adding another light where it’s dark.

You can also use AAO (Approximate Ambient Occlusion) in 2.46. To do so, just change the AO type from RayTrace to Approximate and set the Samples to 5 or so. AAO does not use Ray Tracing, but original AO does.