So I’m making a Minecraft animation, and I built a bit of the world before realizing there was absolutely no way I was going to build the entire world. So I found a nice Minecraft world importer, Mineways, and I imported a Minecraft world into Blender to use in the animation, but still keeping the portion of the world that I had built manually. However, when I started rendering, I noticed that the grass blocks I made myself and the blocks on the imported world are different shades of green. As my portion and the imported world are meant to be in the same biome, this doesn’t look right. Is there any way to tint the grass blocks I made to match the imported world? Any help on this would be appreciated. Also, my render is taking WAY too long - with anti-aliasing at 5 samples, sampled motion blur at 3 blurs with a shutter of 0.30, resolution at 1920x1080 and output format as .png RGBA and color depth at 16, with 100% compression, each frame of the render is taking over 7 minutes. Is there any way to decrease my render time but keep the good quality?
Can’t you just give either grass group the other group’s material and texture? Should work.
Also, that render time sounds pretty alright for those settings. You can tune it down a lot, though, by replacing motion blur with vector blur. Almost the same thing, in just a fraction of the time.
Just to be sure: We’re talking about this part of your render?
Could you check if you have overlapping geometry there? Like, blocks from your environment in exactly the same space as blocks from the imported environment? Looks a bit like Z-fighting to me, which could also explain the seemingly darker shade.
Or are we talking about the blocks in the far back?
Nevermind, I figured out how to copy materials, however there’s a problem… I don’t know how the imported blocks were configured to use the grass texture, but when I copied the material, my blocks were textured with the entire terrain.png image which Mineways uses for textures.
Yes, that is the part of the render I’m talking about, but it isn’t z-fighting. The only blocks I actually built are in front. Minecraft shades grass blocks differently depending on biomes, which is something I never considered when I imported the world.
Lower your compression and resolution. Unless you’re making this video for professional broadcast no one is going to care or notice in a Minecraft video. (or any video that is made purely for fun/hobby)