hi I am ScarClaw72. Among many projects I have done I have done a fanfiction for Minecraft. I would like it to become and I know it would be possible to make a movie out of it. if it were to happen I will need help as I have pretty much no experience animation wise. I already have one person who says he might be able to do some but I think I might need more help. pretty much as if there is two or three animators would be willing to help me contact me on google or something. the movie will probably be about 30 to 45 minutes in length or so. I have not laid out any big plans yet but I will in time.if you wish to see the fanfic check out my website under the project page. so I’m sorry I cannot help with animation that’s why I need other people. first off I have like No experience or idea what I am doing as soon as I open blender . although I do have a little experience with mine imator. this would be a huge step in my work and even if I knew how to animate my computer is currently broken and It’s going to be a couple weeks for its fixed. anyway contact me on Google Plus or my gmail if you want contact me. as long as nobody is fading away from the project too much, a little bit okay I’m pretty sure everybody might have more than one project at one time, I won’t either. sincerely
You sound like an eight year old.
Why can’t you learn Blender and do this yourself? That’s just called being lazy. And because you’re not willing to work, I can also guess your fan fiction is crap.
Your text is terribly formatted, making it hard to read, and doesn’t even follow basic syntax of the English language.
Learn to type before trying to make a forty-five minute movie.
i am not 8 years old im 15. and i hav been trying to figure t out, it is not easy stuff dude. and i do plan to help in the animation but stlll it is a lot of work for one person to do a ike 20-30 minute animation. (well idk how long it wil be but not super short)
I think the general principle is this, to create a movie requires the following skills:
All of which are specialist fields. You seem to have solely an idea, which you also state needs serious work. Unfortunately, ideas are worthless. The plots behind successful Disney films - worthless. Every single film follows a nearly identical recipe. It’s the above skills that sell it. As a consequence, you essentially asking people to make you a film that you can call your own, for free, which really isn’t a convincing sell.
In addition, the most likely to help you are those in similar situations, which means the quality of the rigging, animation, lighting etc will not be up to scratch. You will likely find that the project becomes increasingly difficult due to the problems involved with working in a team.
The good news is that all of these can be solved, by yourself, with time. Most people here have at least three years of experience before they attempt something they really value, because this field takes commitment and dedication.
this is not supposed to be a professional thing. i got a plan for getting voice actors. one that will bring in a lot probably. but i dont need people to tell me i cannot deal with it or this is something bad, or just everythng wrong with my idea ok. new thing. Unless u are saying u will help, no more posting on this thread, this is a big project i know, i have had large projects before. I am going to take the one person who responded with saying theylee help, get some voice actors and sound editors and i am leaving and we are gnna make this movie.