Mini boss robot: Joint project. Animation and real-time model

It was a fun collaboration between me and my Hard surface concept artist friend , Shreshtho. We did the parts which we loved most and at the end of the day both are happy :D.

You can see it directly in sketchfab.

It was such a crazy and ambitious project since literally everything was handpainted! Besides using handpainted maps I also utilized blenders grease pencil. Did some hand drawn steam fx for the project. Here is one of the fx in frame by frame sequence. (It is a gif file. You might need to click it to start it) (2)

He was responsible for the modeling part. As extra I annoyed him to death whenever some difficulties rose XD.

So while hand painting it there was many kinds of challenges. As you can see it has different kind of materials, like plastic part, metallic part and even super hot saw! Somehow I tackled those challenges.
Thank you so much for checking it out! Till next time…

Check out my partner in artstation!
Original concept:
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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Hey! Thank you so much! Past couple of days were awesome thanks to you all :smiley:

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cool project!

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Nice work especially animated with the smoke. The animation looks good even though it does not have that many frames.

One thing which which would have been cool to see is a heavy drawn motion blur for the saw as now it looks quite static for hand drawn style.

A minor thing which could be improved for the moddelling are the tank connectors in the upper body; the connectors are clipping the main body and can be seen rather well as the connectors are using the bright metal color.

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Thank u so much! :smiley:

Thanks a lot for the detailed feed back! Yeah probably some motion blur could have been used here. But I rendered it in workbench to save time. dunnu if there is a way to fake motion blur in workbench😅 maybe will take another render from eevee with motion blur enabled

Now Wait a moment, did workbench support drawing textures? If so that is really impressive!

I don’t know if that would be needed as realistic motion blur does not mix that well with hand drawn style. I think that creating a jittery geometry depicting hand drawn high velocity spinning object would nail it with the style.

Though I think that is a topic where you need to either do an extensive study of reference material or start experimenting what would work and wouldn’t. I’d say that the trick in the modelling is not to think about what makes sense in terms of geometry but how the result looks in final 2d image.

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I thought it looked good as a still and come to see it is an animation!

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Thanks! Which one did you like more though? :eyes: still or the animation?

Yep! Workbench is my first choice in blender for this style. I just select flat and get a shadeless viewport right away. And yeah some experimentation is required for a better result