my lovely old games: Crazy Cars 1/2, TestDrive 2, Street Rod 1/2, GrandPrix2, DeathTrack etc…
legendary racing events: Formula Easter & '82 “1000 km. Spa Trophee Diners Club”
Planning the game I had 3 main tasks the programm should be able to perform:
Easiest new car adding and tuning system;
Infinite number of cars that could be used in game [works via libload]
Online score table [works via Twitter]
All these 3 tasks are implemented. The current release is fully functional & playable. However it has only one one location “Nevaring” (Nevskoye Koltso) and should be polished a lot to satisfy my aesthetics…)
The thing should be separately marked is TWEEPY based online score table. Tweepy is amazing python module to control Twitter api. This system works just as I wanted it works on a first stage: no any registration - just enter your name, and press a button to send your hotlap to special twitter account)
“1989 | RACE OPEN” Linux version 0.40 download is available at
Thanks a lot!
Yes, video is great idea. May be you know the good video capturer working on Ubuntu?
This kind of help will be inappreciable!
Let me know your mention after testing.
Thank Cypher!
Glad you like the aesthetics!
What about the on-line stuff:
About a year ago I’d read about the way of controlling Twitter with python in Linux Format magazine. I’d been experimenting with different python libraries until I found the Tweepy. As for me is the preetiest library found Twitter connection. Then I just learned how to use it’s general options at Currently I use 2 scripts: one to send “status” and other to get “statuses” back. Unfortunally I can’t get how to make Tweepy work within BGE runtime… So I should study Tkinter (python GUI builder) to Tweepy work outside runtime but within Tkinter GUI.
So that’s the short story.
I you’re interested to get deep I shall write kinda tutorial explaining my mechanisms. Anyway I’ve planned it.
2 Marvin
I think I shall do “menu options” including the adjuster of steering sharpness. That’s because I like sharp steering.
And also include here camera position control.
There is really a lot of to do to for this program. So any of your advises will be really precious.
Thanks for advise, but I had an issue with Kazam. My Ubu lost any sound. Sometimes something happens with drivers especially on a notebook)
And sound returned only after I uninstall this soft.
So now I would try “RecordMyDesktop”
Fun to play! a Little difficult to drive the cars! 2 time got out of the track, and had to restart the game! You should get some reset position for the car for when it goes out of the track, away from that, congrats on the game, you should think of adding some materials to the trees and enviroment.
Thanks for the answer, Smoliterno!
Thanks also for advise to do car position reset - it would be rather comfortable option for the players.
What about materials… I don’t plan to use some materials/textures for the environs. The game has minimalistic conception.
Latest version is available for download at my
Bunch of new cars & mouse menu. Currently the build is for Linux,
however having Blender you could easily make Win or Mac version.