I am using a slightly older version of Blender, 64 bit Windows 2.79b.
When I Click either the Render button or the Animation render button, I get an error message that says:
“All render layers are disabled.” I am lead to believe that this has a simple solution, yet given my
version of the software and the graphical user interface, I can’t seem to find it. I have found the following advice:
“In the View Layers tab there is a checkbox called ‘Use for Rendering’. If that is unchecked you get the ‘all render layers are disabled’ error”.
This advice is not enough, because I cannot see, or even do not have, a View Layers tab. I have the following:
I have only one modelling file, and this is it:
Magic Layers - Animation.blend (1.1 MB)
Because the standard 20 layers was not going to be enough, I have tried to upgrade to infinite layers by using the Magic Layers plugin:
magiclayer031.zip (3.6 KB)
I am using a slightly older version of Blender, 64 bit Windows 2.79b.
When I Click either the Render button or the Animation render button, I get an error message that says:
“All render layers are disabled.” I am lead to believe that this has a simple solution, yet given my
version of the software and the graphical user interface, I can’t seem to find it.
Can someone precisely direct me as to how to fix this, so that screen and animation rendering will proceed, please? In 2.79b, exactly where do I go and what do I do?
I am using a slightly older version of Blender, 64 bit Windows 2.79b.
When I Click either the Render button or the Animation render button, I get an error message that says:
“All render layers are disabled.” I am lead to believe that this has a simple solution, yet given my
version of the software and the graphical user interface, I can’t seem to find it.
Can someone precisely direct me as to how to fix this, so that screen and animation rendering will proceed, please? In 2.79b, exactly where do I go and what do I do?