
Here is the design of a minimalist bedroom in green-mint shades + an experiment with lighting, I wanted to get super hard shadows.
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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much!

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What beautiful colour scheme!

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Thank you!

Could you share light settings? How do you tweak that color scheme?

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I guess, I’ll write an article about scene setup (probably). Actually lighting is very simple, it’s just environment light with low strength, sun light with 0 angle and very high exposure. What do you mean exactly by tweaking the color scheme? I just found the references and used it as a guidlines for coloring materials

nice light and colorset!

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This looks so good! The lighting is delicious! If I can make one observation, it looks a little bit odd that the laptop is perfect 90°, and if the stuff on the desk was a bit randomized it would be perfect.

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Thank you!

Thank you, this is an extreme perfectionist room :smile:

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Haha, those people do exist :smile:

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