Miras edge | a blender/unreal short film

Hello Blender users, I thought I would post a little short film me and one other 3D artist and a sound designer put together. Through completing this, I have officially graduated from university :partying_face: I feel it is now a time to start putting my stuff out there more.

I collected assets from all over for this project, so it is very much a collage of sorts when it comes to the assets used. The goal was the create a pipeline for motion capture character animation and full body cloth sim, as well as make something that looks cool.

And for those wondering about the Unreal part: The intro ship and explosion scene were done in Unreal for the sake of performance, everything else has been rendered in Blender.

Though we came quite short when it comes to getting all the shots completed, I think it came together quite nicely in the edit and I hope the story is somewhat readable lol.