I feel like I may be missing an obvious way of mirroring edge loops in order to get edges symmetrically placed on a mesh. Let me rephrase in case it helps. I’d like to create an edge loop, and then immediately create another edge loop the same distance from the edge as the original edge loop, but the second one should be on the opposite side of the mesh (the mesh is a a flat plane at the moment)
Alternatively I could create two edge loops and then immediately spread the distance between them, again with the goal of getting two edge loops the same distance from the outside edge of a mesh. But I can’t figure out how to spread them apart before committing to their placement.
I’m new to Blender modeling, what am I missing? This has got to be a native feature right?
Thx. I’ve created a center vertices and then beveled that in order to get two loop cuts I can spread apart symmetrically. But I have to then go back and delete vertices which is kind of a pain when I need to do this procedure several times.
After selecting one loop you might try Select → MirrorShift Ctrl M. After setting to expand in the Adjust Last Action menu this will select the mirrored loops. Also after adding new loops it will also expand the selection to the mirrored ones.
Oh yeah, it’s not. my original issue is actually trying to create the symetrical edge loop. Imagine creating a new plane, adding an edge loop a specific distance from an outside edge. Easy right. Now is ther e away to mirror that edge loop to the other side of the plane (esentially flipping it while retaining the original?
I’m new to modeling with non cad based programs so I may be going about this all wrong.
I may have missunderstood you (or you me). I was talking of selecting symmetrical loops to subdivide them on both sides. If you add a loop on one side then it’s not symmetrical anymore and so you have to copy it to the other side by for example Mesh → Symmetrize or use the mirror modifier on half an object.