Mirror issue

Hallo im not sure the mirror is my issue but im following the complete-vehicle-production-in-blender, i have got quite far but have a problem of a gap on my windscreen. Ive tried al sorts of things like deleteting the faces between the gap, sliding my mirror and realijning it. I tried readding the shrinkwrap but that made it worse. Tried removing or asiijning it to a vertice group, but i cant get rid of it. So i turn to you for help. how to get mirrored sides without gap…blend (1.5 MB)
Id like to know how i can correct this. Please take a look.


Extra faces causing the problem:

And not only there, there’s some higher, too.

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Don’t know how it happened, but the scene is almost impossible to navigate, anyway; there’s a problem with geometry that is not manifold (as @helluvamesh pointed out) , and the windshield frame, has edges inside that have no faces.

I’ve fixed the problem and edited some parts of your mesh to get better smoothing, sorry I let you edit the others :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

how to get mirrored sides without gap_002.blend (1.3 MB)

This is a different file, so you need to append the objects in your project, if you want to use them.

3D View > Properties (N) Panel > View > Lock to Cursor

That’s why it’s impossible to navigate, just uncheck it.

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There is a specif case use? Other than screwing your viewport? :smiley:

The cursor snaps to surfaces, so with this you can rotate the camera around any point of an object in object mode, too.

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I have the navigation set in this configuration, it rotates around the mouse pointer, it’s very precise.

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Yeah, that’s definitely a better way to do it, since it doesn’t disable fly mode.

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Just so you know, you can disable loading the UI and view configuration in someone else’s blend file.

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