The Polygons of UV Textures that im trying to create is saved on mirrored way,
the right to show it on correct location is to mirroring it back, its a big problem while creating many
different Polygons UV Texture
I’ve tried reversing the texture array
I’ve tried np.flip functions on texture array
I’ve searched about how to mirror UV Texture polygons in bpy documentation
and none of those made sense,
how can i mirror the uv texture polygons from script?
Example Image (close adblock if you cant see):
UV Texture creator script:
# Creating UV Layer
UVMesh =
UVLayer = # default name and do_init = UVLayer
# Filling vertex UV (Textures)
for face in UVMesh.polygons:
for vert_idx, loop_idx in zip(face.vertices, face.loop_indices):[loop_idx].uv = vertexVT[vert_idx ] # ie UV coord for each face with vert me.vertices[vert_idx]