After a moment searching internet how the fuck i could mirrorize a left sided bone position to the corresponding right sided bone, i realised that i would have to do my own script for it.
Then, i realized (after a lot of effort finding the correct way to find a potential mirror) that we cant just “set” head or tail positions of pose bones, we got to set rotations for it.
Then, i realized, than to find a bone quaternion mirror, some times changing just someposebone.rotation_quaternion[1] by, -someposebone.rotation_quaternion[1] isnt effective in all cases, changing two values isnt efficive too, some times we got to swap two values to get the mirrored, other times just a minus somewhere is ok.
i started to become crazy x)
and i decided to search for every possible change, if one correspond to the desired mirror (looking if the pose_bone_mirror.vector, was the mirror of the someposebone.vector), but, then, i realised, that blender changes that vector only after execution, not while the script is running…
SO, i dediced to apply and check the rotation on the pose_bone_mirror.bone.tail_local - pose_bone_mirror.bone.head_local instead, comparating to the vector,
but… i realised before comming crazy again, than even just rotate the someposebone.bone.tail_local - someposebone.bone.head_local by someposebone.rotation_quaternion, doesnt give us the same vector as someposebone.vector
my head has started burning already.
So i tried to multiply the someposebone.vector by someposebone.matrix , i tried .matrix_basis, i tried .matrix_channel, but cant fucking figure out how the fuck blender apply its quaternion to the pose_bone.
My heart tell me to investigate more, but my head is a fuckin firework right now.
How can we obtain someposebone.vector from: someposebone.bone.tail, someposebone.bone.head, someposebone.rotation_quaternion. ?
if you got a clue, your the better of the better.
Anyway, thank you by advance.