Mirrors for the tutorials (pdf) added

I have lot of complains on the geocities bandwidth shortage at my site, as it prevented lot of people in downloading the blender tutorials (PDF).

I hope some of it will be resolved all thanks to Alexander Zubov for mirroring the PDFs. :smiley:

Go to the tutorials page here

Little warning: Few of the tutorials are getting older as blender matures but they still have lot for newbies as far as learnig blender is concerned.

Email them to prince7 at gmail dot com and i’ll host them in my downloads section for you!

Thanks Prince :slight_smile: will mail them soon.

same here. I’ll make you a ftp account if you contact me:

marc dot chehab at blender3d dot ch

Would you be able to post direct links to the mirrored pdfs? It seems like the geocities site is down from lack of bandwidth… :frowning:


Thanks Chimera sent an mail to you.

Shawn Fumo You can download them from here (Temporary)

Don’t use geocity for hosting it is suck! there are so many free hosting with no popup or advt around. Tell mum , dady, friends and neighbour - let geocity and similar advt base host die and disapppear.
:< :< :<

Hi Jumpy-monkey

:smiley: I agree that geocities have now become a crap of a service, but I have been using it for more than three years, it used to be good enough before.

If you have links of some good ones(provided they are not going to go out of busisness soon :wink: then post them please.


Thanks for the tutorials. Looks like they’ll be good to help my newbieness. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what the geocities limit currently is, but one hosting site I’ve had good luck with is: nearlyfreespeech.net

They seem to have kind of a unique model where you only pay for what you use. I put in $5 and that lasted for like 3 years since I was mostly using it for testing at the time. It isn’t as good a deal for people with big bandwidth, but I wince now when I see people paying $10 a month for some normal home page that probably uses less than a gig a month…


I agree that geocities have now become a crap of a service, but I have been using it for more than three years, it used to be good enough before.

I use blogspot with blog client quite easy to set up. Also look for Zope free host.