Mirrors (The Truman Show scene) - Week 26 of Blender52 2024

Final render

Very quick video

Reverse iterations


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Luxx_pa_3d - June 2024


I’m not sure i get this one - not having watched the Truman show… but I still want to compliment you on especially the composition of your brief video. I very much like the aesthetics of your visual scene description, editing, and music choice! Thank you for sharing this and all your works here!! :smiley:

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Hello @shannonz, and thank you so much for the kind words :slight_smile:

It’s one of those things: you think of something and expect everyone to just know what you mean, so thank you for pointing me to think a bit of background is needed. And here it is for you (and everyone else that is like “wth is that?!”) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
