Mismatch between vertex counts in object and edit modes


I’m facing an issue where there is a mismatch between the vertex, edge, faces, triangle counts between the object and edit modes, hence its creating a lag in object mode but working fine in edit mode. Please suggest me a way where I can overcome such an issue, and avoid the lag in the object mode. I’m trying to create a simple mannequin.
(I can provide the blend file if required)


Your probably have a modifier(s), such as subsurf which will increase your object mode vert count.

Ya i do… but I want all my mesh joined into a single one and joining them creates hugeee counts, how do I do that otherwise.

There can be many approaches to joining meshes together, maybe show some screenshots of what you have and what your goal is.


Here’s the link to my blend file u will clearly find the difference between the counts in object and edit mode, my goal is simply to have a lesser count.

Hey, is there anything I can do to get it working the way I want? Would really appreciate a solution

Hey, you didn’t reply to my post explicitly, so I didn’t get a notification, just happened to see it today. I’m away from computer most of today, may be able to look tonight.

Sure no problem buddy, do look at it, I had shared a link to my blend file, let me know ur thoughts of getting what I wanted.
Have a great day!

Good morning, @Asterik. I took a look at your mannequin, and I have some general recommendations, but I’ll leave it to you to implement. Let me know if you need further clarification.

  • More than half of the vertices you have in your model are in your fingers. As simple as you have made the rest of the body parts and joints, it only makes sense to me that you simplify your fingers to cylinders for phalanges and spheres for the joints.
  • It has been a while since I modeled a humanoid for animation, but from what I remember, you start with the Mirror Modifier to make creating a symmetrical mesh easier, but you’ll have to apply it before animating your character. If using the Subdivision Modifier at the same time, I’d recommend placing that second in the stack after the Mirror Modifier.
  • If you haven’t applied your Mirror Modifier by the time you are adding your armature, you may have skipped a step.
  • If you reduce your finger vertex count, you may avoid the lag that you get at the subdivision level you are using in your Subdivision Modifier, but if you choose not to, you can increase performance by lowering your viewport subdivision level down to 0. See below:

My laptop is about 6 years old, but it is a quad core i7, so it isn’t a slouch. Try some or all of those recommendations and let us know if it helps!

Hi @Hunkadoodle, immensely thank you for checking out the mannequin, I might have skipped a step there- “If you haven’t applied your Mirror Modifier by the time you are adding your armature, you may have skipped a step.” Oops!
But I have my doubts cleared now, I’ll create a fresh one and will implement what you recommended.

Thanks again! Happy learning…

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