Missing base mesh Geometry Nodes

Hello everyone!
As mentioned before, I am having some trouble with Blender because while using Geometry Nodes, my base mesh is gone out of the render.

I checked all my Geometry Nodes and none of them work at the same time, might be a broken/uncompatible node that used to work with Blender 3.x but I can’t figure out what it is.

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So this is the image and as you can see, the base mesh is transparent/gone.

Any ideas on how to fix it?


Hi there!
I’ve seen a similar case recently and it was solved by adding Realize Instances in the end of Geonode tree :thinking: Could be the same issue.

On the other hand, if that’s undesirable, I heard that it’s better not to use the same mesh for rendering and emitting instances. Maybe make a duplicate?

That is, I’m assuming that your geonode does the instancing…


Hello Stray!

I just tried both ways and adding Realize Instances crashes my PC, I assume there’s some sort of uncompatibility in my node trees.

I also tried the second method you mentioned, making a duplicate and it “solved” the problem!

Thank you for the response!

:scream: :scream: :scream:
Oh, I’ve meant to add that this might be a bad idea if you have A LOT of instances, but I didn’t know it’ll be that bad.

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Hi, if you’re using someone else’s nodetree, it might be conceived so as to output only grass and trees… so you’d have to join the original geometry with the generated instances right before the output. Or, as stray suggested, use the node tree on a separate object containing no geometry and point to your terrain object for the scattering. Personally I try to split things into several objects, so that it’s easier to manage conceptually : this object is the terrain, this other object is the grass, and so on.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much!

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Some one might of said this but a simple solution would be to duplicate the base mesh and remove the geometry nodes. Have one with the nodes setup and one without.

I did this for a render a little while back.