Missing Object when Rendering a Camera Tracking scene


i got some Problems with Rendering a Scene created with motion tracking.
It all looks fine followed some Tutorials, but my object, that should be viewable in the Render, isn’t displayed there.
Other Objects i create on the Foreground Layer work perfectly, but my actual Model doesn’t show up.
This is the 3D View:

And this is the Render Preview, no idea what option is missing, that my model misses.

Thanks in Advance and Greetings

I apologize in advance if I’m pointing out the obvious, I don’t know anything about motion tracking and I don’t know all I should about Blender yet.

I believe that the bottom row in the layers panel are masks. I see you have something there, so checking that your layers are fine could do good.

That was my first thought too, but i checked everything possible to me, moved my objects to different Layers, to see if something happens. The strange thing about it is, that the background layer, my shadow plane for example is correctly is shown “correctly” if i move it to my foreground. So i don’t think the layers are the problem. I assume that my Lego Figure has some options checked/unchecked, that make it invisible for the rendering, but as a total beginner i can’t find the correct settings.

The odd thing is, when i add a basic mesh, like a cube, circle, whatever, it is rendered out correctly. I tried to join my actual Figure with that basic mesh, but then everything dissapears in render mode.

Render properties -> post-processing: disable sequencer and compositing, or remove strips from VSE and make sure compositing nodes show your object.

i disabled both but didn’t work out. Maybe you can check my compositing field, my currently knowledge makes it hard for me to understand the whole connections.

No need. If you disabled them and it didn’t work, then the problem is somewhere else that can’t be found without the file.

Ok here’s the link to the data, everything should be attached.


i tried switching cycles and blender render, but turned out that in cycles render my modell is shown correctly, but doesn’t appear in the right way in the scenery, when entering Render Preview. In blender render, the object doesn’t appear, but behaves correctly, when preview is played in object mode, solid.

Object materials are for Cycles render. Cycles materials are not compatible with Blender render, that’s why it doesn’t show up.

Switched to Cycles and loaded the correct clip in the compositor movie clip node and the result is as expected.

ok, swa it tested it. Just two last questions. When i play the scene in Cycles Render, my Modell, doesn’t stand still, it just moves around, so the camera track isn’t working. What’s the reasen to that? is it because i started the camera tracking with Blender render and switched then to Cycles Render? The Second, is there any situation where blender Render gives me better results? It looks like in the most videos the Render engine is switched to cycles and i nobody is using Blender Render in any situation.

Don’t know. Perhaps you’re using wrong video/track in the compositor because it does work with the one you attached. Switching render engines shouldn’t have an effect on tracking because it’s for rendering the 3D scene and passes, which then go in the compositor.

The purpose of tracking is often to combine video footage with 3D elements in it. Cycles render gives more realistic results by default and scene is easier to light than in Blender render, because it uses global illumination (indirect/bounced light). Cycles render passes are easier to composite too.

There’s no other reason. If you’re combining non-photorealistic (NPR) elements with video footage, then it would probably be better to use Blender render instead of Cycles. Could also use both and combine their results in the compositor.