Mitsuba test

Hi, here there are some render test made with Mitsuba
Photon map 48 SPP and DOF


Very nice renders! Specially the textured checkerboard gives a nice tone to the images :slight_smile:

Any chance of seeing the .blend, or even the render times of the images? They’re look really clean.



great tests,quality of lighting and materials is very good.

Thanks for comments :slight_smile:
I’ll share the blend file as soon as possible…
this is an other test
bidirectional path trace
64 spp
render time 1,5h on Intel i3 and Ubuntu OS


An other Mitsuba render test
Single emission light, photon mapping
postproduction with Gimp
100% made with opensource softwares : Blender, Mitsuba, Gimp on Ubuntu OS


amazing renders!
the only thing that i find unrealistic is that all the twistey straws (the ones with two colors) look like those really long erasers…
awesome job though!

Very nice renders. Is that an example of caustics? (the distortion of the straw in the liquid)

I was going to try Mitsuba, but it looks very complicated judging by the big user manual.
The render times are too long for animation (for me), but still very nice rendering. :smiley:

hey guys i am having trouble getting mitsuba to work… i have the .zip of the exporter. so, in blender 2.69 i go to User Preferences and click Install From File and select the mitsuba exporter. then, i search for “mitsuba” to enable the exporter, but nothing shows up. is anybody having the same problem?

Yes in the liquid there are some caustic, photon map is better for this type of scene :slight_smile: I’m writing a full stepbystep tutorial, it will be on line next week on 3DTotal website.

f3l1x try to unzip and copy Mitsuba folder in blender/2.69/scripts/addons

Subsurface scattering with Mitsuba and Blender test 1


Hi ifilgood,

I decided to try Mitsuba after seeing your great renders, but it’s not rendering…no error
message…just no image. :frowning:

(setup: BLender 2.68 Official Release, Mitsuba 5.0, & the latest exporter by fjuhec)

What version of Blender, Blender exporter, and Mitsuba are you using?

Any info would be very appreciated.

Grazie tanto! :smiley:

btw, I checked your work…very impressive modeling, texturing and rendering!

Mitsuba looks very powerful, and the renders are wonderful, but the manual is too technical
and difficult for me to use. So will not spend more time on it.

Also, I’m happy with Blender Internal, Cycles, Octane, and Yafaray, and need to learn to use them
better anyway.
